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Alimony Assistance in South Carolina
When determining whether or not alimony should be granted, how much should be awarded and for how long, judges appraise various factors: the length of the couple’s marriage, their standard of living during the marriage, the relative income of each individual, and the needs of each spouse. Retaining a knowledgeable alimony attorney can help you make a compelling case that you need support, increasing the chance that alimony will be awarded. Alternatively, we can also work to convince the judge that your ex does not need spousal support or needs less than he or she asked for.
Understanding the Different Types of Alimony
Our lawyers advise clients on the types of alimony that are relevant to their divorce, which may include:
- Temporary alimony — Meant to provide support during divorce proceedings, temporary alimony helps recipient spouses address their financial needs until the case is resolved.
- Rehabilitative alimony — To help a dependent spouse acquire or re-establish the skills they need to become self-reliant, rehabilitative alimony can be granted. This support may end when enough time has passed for the recipient to find a suitable job or complete their education.
- Reimbursement alimony — These payments might be awarded to the spouse who worked, took care of the home or made other contributions while their spouse pursued professional training or career development.
- Permanent alimony — Permanent alimony may be given to a spouse who is seriously ill or who is unable for another reason to earn enough income to maintain their standard of living. It is more likely to exist at the end of a long marriage where one party didn't work outside the home. Despite the name, these orders are frequently modified due to changing financial needs or other circumstances.
Our attorneys at Gillen & Pickelsimer, LLC will work with you to determine what type(s) of alimony might be granted in your situation. From there, we'll develop a sound strategy designed to secure the best result possible.
.If you need help navigating South Carolina alimony laws, don't hesitate to contact Gillen & Pickelsimer, LLC today. Complete our online form or call (866) 977-5251.
"He is definitely someone who knows what they are talking about, extremely smart, but also truly cared what happened at the end of the day."
- Melissa -
"My case was difficult and Mr. Gillen and his staff were very supportive and helped me through each step of the process."
- Kristina -
"His straight forward, no nonsense, practical approach to handling the issues faced by my family was greatly appreciated and he produced excellent results."
- John -
"Max was great at helping me keep things in perspective as he confidently directed me to focus my energy on my children while he focused his energy on the litigation."
- Former Client
Empathetic Attorneys Consider Your Financial Needs and Strive for Your Peace of Mind
At Gillen & Pickelsimer, LLC, our attorneys represent clients who are seeking alimony as well as those who will be required to pay it. Our clients are often concerned about whether they are required to pay alimony if their circumstances change. Others come to us if they are not receiving the alimony payments specified by the agreement. We can help you present evidence to the court as to why the amount you pay should be decreased or request that the court properly enforces the existing alimony agreement. Our goal is to ensure a fair result that protects your standard of living.
At Gillen & Pickelsimer, LLC, in Rock Hill, our attorneys are dedicated to working toward an equitable alimony result for the clients we represent throughout South Carolina. Call us at (866) 977-5251 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with a qualified attorney.